Friday 31 January 2014

5 Best Fruits to Eat for Breakfast

Nutritionists recommend opting for fresh fruits, as they are packed with great nutrients. This way, you'll keep your body energized all day long and you'll also be able to satisfy your sweet tooth. Here are some of the fruits you may choose for a healthy and tasty breakfast!

Grapefruit is certainly one of those good fruits to eat for breakfast. It's high in antioxidants which can help boost your immune system. It's also rich in vitamin C, so, when eaten on a daily basis, it can keep flu away. Furthermore, grapefruit can have fat-burning properties and can keep insulin levels under control. Thus, don't hesitate to pair it with an egg or Greek yogurt for a healthy breakfast.
Watermelon For Breakfast

When it comes to the best fruit to eat, watermelon can be a great choice at hand. It'll keep you hydrated, and more, it's packed with lycopene, a great nutrient that can help prevent cancer and heart disease. Moreover, watermelon is a good option if you want to lose a couple of pounds, as it only has 40 calories per each cup.
Here's to one of the best foods to eat for breakfast to lose weight! Blueberries are packed with antioxidants that can help you stay healthy and in shape. Besides that, these tiny fruits are believed to improve motor skills and memory. They can also help regulate blood pressure. In addition to these properties, blueberries have a low calorie content, which makes them excellent choices when on a diet. That being said, don't hesitate to enjoy a large bowl of healthy cereal mixed with 2 cups of blueberries every morning, before heading to work.
Take a look at another great fruit for breakfast. Strawberries are not only rich in vitamin C and antioxidants, they are good sources of fiber and folic acid, as well. Plus, they can help prevent heart disease. Bearing these in mind, you should combine strawberries with plain yogurt, as this is a delicious breakfast option to enjoy.
Strawberries And Kiwi For A Healthy Breakfast

According to specialists, kiwi is one the best fruits to eat for breakfast. It's a great source of vitamin C, copper and potassium, as well as fiber. You can choose to eat kiwi separately or create a delicious multi-benefit smoothie, by combining this fruit with bananas and strawberries. This powerhorse combo will instantly boost your immune system.

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