Tuesday 19 November 2013

Success Bit: Unveiling Success.

Success is the similarity between your expectation and your reality. In an interconnected world, perceptions of your success are however understandably restricted to what people expect of you. By default, our lives are geared towards being (or looking) successful to the people we find ourselves with.
In a school, a successful student is perceived by the grades he makes at exams. In politics, a successful politician is perceived as one who is hated the least. In a healing crusade, a successful minister is perceived as one who cleared all doubts about sick people being healed by God. In business, a successful marketer is one who is perceived to have brought in huge deals for his company. In a marriage, a successful couple is one who are perceived to have children, can take care of their needs and look happy.

Being successful is thus closely tied to our feelings or people's expectations BUT being a success is deeply rooted in you, what you expected and how close your reality was in meeting that expectation. Yet because its an interconnected world, we cant belittle the significance of how people perceive our success because this helps us validate our presumed success.

Therefore success begins with discovery and ends with satisfaction.

True discovery begins with the discovery of yourself and what you expect to achieve with your life. True satisfaction cannot be complete if the substance behind it cannot be reproduced, reliable, consistent and continuous.

In subsequent scripts, i would be expounding on discovery and than cap it with satisfaction.

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